
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE

Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering
The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department was started at the beginning of the College itself in the year 2011 with an intake of 30. The B-Tech degree course in ECE follows the Scheme and Syllabus of “Mahatma Gandhi University / Kerala Technical University” to which the College is affiliated. This Course is 8 Semesters and covers 4 years as per AICTE norms.
The Department is backed up by highly qualified, efficient and committed faculty members. They are periodically deputed to participate in conferences and various faculty development programs to keep in pace with the latest developments in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The department's faculty members utilize facilities like Moodle and other blended teaching-learning aids to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The faculty members and students are also active participants in NPTEL online courses. Our emphasis is on putting theoretical knowledge into practical use thereby leading to the development of highly efficient engineers. We have an ECE students' association known as “AECE (Association of Electronics and Communication Engineers)” as well as Professional Technical associations like the IETE Students Forum (ISF). The department constantly strives to improve the knowledge, skills and attitude of the students and many value-added programs like conferences, workshops, technical quizzes, project exhibitions, design contests, paper presentations, personality development courses etc are conducted to facilitate this.
For effective Students guidance and counselling an advisory system is introduced which includes a “Faculty Advisor” and 2 Counsellors per Class. The Faculty Advisor is in charge of the whole class with each Counsellor having a caring eye on a group of students. They handle the problems related to attendance, discipline and personal problems of students. Regular Parents- Teacher's meetings are conducted to assess students' performance. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has a well-equipped state of laboratories to provide the students with the necessary and sufficient backing of practical knowledge, besides encouraging them to try out their innovative research and development ideas and a library with an extensive collection of Books and Journals.
To mould socially committed Professionals who strive for excellence to meet the challenges of the modern Electronics and Communication Industry.
To develop high-quality professionals to meet the growing challenges of the electronics industry Sharpen their problem-solving skills and provide them with industry-oriented training to face the challenges of the corporate world. Associate with reputed Institutions for Academic excellence and collaborative research Provide value-based education that mould socially committed professionals. Create a learning environment of the highest standards that nurtures creativity, high ambitions, optimism and perseverance.
Analyse, plan, design and develop innovative electronic products.
Apply the knowledge acquired in Electronics and Communication Engineering to solve socially relevant problems and to pursue further research in this trade.
Indulge in continuous learning for career enhancement to adapt to changing professional scenarios.
Work with the team, using the technical knowledge attained to achieve the project objectives.
Understand professional responsibilities and ethics.
Communicate and demonstrate effectively and exhibit leadership skills.
PSO 1: Analyze and design analog & digital circuits and systems for a given specification and application
PSO 2: Design and implement hardware – software co-designs for embedded systems, signal processing and communication
PSO 3: Familiarize modern design tools and simulation software to ease the implementation of real-time systems.
PSO 4: Exhibit ethics, teamwork and leadership in their profession and adapt to current trends by maintaining a zest for higher studies.
Laboratory details
ECE Dept. has well well-furnished laboratories with the most sophisticated and advanced equipment. Laboratories are equipped with hardware, computers and software packages such as Matlab, Keil, Modalism, Proteus and Spice to enable the students to learn experientially in electronic circuits, VLSI, Embedded Systems and RF Communication.
Electronic workshop
Students will learn about electronic hardware systems through familiarization, identification, testing, assembling, dismantling and fabrication. Students will be able to repair such systems using the various tools and instructions provided.
Faculty InCharge: Ann James , Dept. of ECE
This lab is equipped with instruments like CRO, Dual Power Supply, Signal Generator, Voltmeters, Ammeters, Analog and Digital Multimeter, Rheostat and components including transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors etc. All basic electronic devices and their characteristics and applications can be studied using different experiments in this lab. Using the above devices, electronic circuits like Amplifiers, Oscillators, Multivibrators, Voltage Regulators etc. can be constructed and can be checked.
Faculty Incharge : Neethu Jo Vavachan , Dept. of ECE

Logic design lab
The Digital Electronics lab was set up to give students hands-on experience in Digital Electronics experiments. This lab is equipped with, Digital IC Trainer Kits. The laboratory introduces students to practical circuit design and contributes significantly to providing them with engineering skills. The experiments covered in this laboratory are synchronized with their theoretical parts so that students might be able to understand the practical aspects of it. This lab is also used to conduct experiments related to digital circuits and logic design, which ranges from the study of various logic gates to the design of various sequential and combinational circuits. Students from various departments use this lab to perform various digital experiments.
Faculty InCharge: Arun Chandrakumar, Dept. of ECE

Communication lab
This lab is used by the students to study different modulation and demodulation techniques, transmitters and receivers, analogue and digital communication methodologies etc. This lab is equipped with microwave equipment like Reflex Klystron, Klystron Power Supply, Frequency Meter, Attenuator, Isolator, Directional Coupler etc. The latest equipment like high bandwidth Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Dual Function Generators, Multiple Power Supplies etc. are also available in the lab for studying the various communication techniques. This laboratory provides the students an opportunity to work on communication areas.
Students will be able to do different software and hardware experiments in this lab with the help of a microcomputer system and a DSK (Digital Signal Processing Start-up Kit) trainer kit. Assembly language programming, simple input/output interfacing, and interrupt processing in microcomputer systems can be also done in this lab.
Faculty Incharge: Binsa Mathew, Dept. of ECE
Microwave, optical communication & instrumentation lab
The lab is capable of conducting various communication & and microwave experiments. This lab is equipped with all facilities for conducting analog communication experiments like AM, FM, Mixer, PLL, AGC etc. and digital experiments like ASK, FSK, PSK, PCM etc. The Microwave lab is equipped with four microwave test bench setups for measuring the frequency of a microwave signal, mode characteristics of the reflex klystron, standing wave ratio measurement, and VI Characteristics of Gunn Diode. This lab is also equipped with a set-up for measuring the radiation pattern of different antennas and also has optical fibre communication kits for conducting analogue pulse modulation & digital modulation techniques.
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Dhanya G , Dept. of ECE

Microprocessor and microcontroller lab
This lab is equipped with facilities for conducting experiments in 8085/8051 trainer kits, Keil and Proteus.
Faculty InCharge : Jinu Mathew , Dept. of ECE