
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE
Mechanical Engineering

About Department
The mechanical engineering department stands as a strong pillar, right from the inception of MGM College of Engineering and Technology and extends its strong support to society by creating hundreds of excellent, self-motivated and innovative mechanical engineers and continues its mighty journey into the future. Our Department with its highly qualified faculty and staff, fosters the multifaceted talents of students by conducting various programs.
1. Computer-Aided Design and Analysis Lab
This lab aims to train the students in solid modelling, surface modelling, assembly modelling, mechanism design and drafting. The latest version of the modelling software 3D experience is used in the lab. CAD Lab is also equipped with structural and CFD analysis software like ANSYS which helps students to conduct numerical analysis on complex structures and fluid flow problems.
MEL 201-Computer aided Machine drawings (S3)
MEL 332- Computer Aided Design And Analysis (S6)

Major Equipment’s / Facilities:
CAD/CAM Software
Programming Facility
Analysis Software
Networking Facility
2. Fluid Mechanics & Machines Lab
This lab is mainly focused on developing a platform where the students can enhance their engineering knowledge in the fluid mechanics domain by applying their theoretical knowledge. Both theoretical and experimental aspects are investigated with a particular emphasis on industrial applications such as the design, installation and operation of hydraulic machines. Measurements of critical Performance parameters like efficiency, flow rate etc. of various hydraulic machines such as turbines, and pumps are also measured in this lab.
Lab in charge: Joy E K
MEL 202- FM&HM LAB (S4)

Major Equipments/Facilities:
Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus
Venturi meter
Orifice and Mouth Piece Apparatus
Notch Apparatus(Rectangular and Triangular)
Minor Loss Apparatus

Pelton Turbine
Francis Turbine
Kaplan Turbine
Reciprocating Pump
Centrifugal Pump
Self-Priming Pump
Gear Pump
Hydraulic Ram
3. Thermal Engineering Lab
The lab includes the study of systems & and components of IC Engines and the study of dynamometers used in engine testing. The lab also provides experience in; testing the performance of IC engines and testing of fuels & lubricants, which includes the determination of their flash and fire points, viscosity and calorific values.
Lab in charge – K M Abubakar
MEL 333– Thermal Engineering Lab 1(S5)

Major Equipment/Facilities
Steam Power plant
Four-stroke, four-cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig with Hydraulic dynamometer apparatus
Four-stroke, Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Test Rig with Rope brake dynamometer apparatus
Four-stroke, Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Test Rig with electrical dynamometer apparatus
Twin-cylinder, four-stroke Diesel Engine with Hydraulic dynamometer apparatus
4. Mechanical Engineering lab/Mechanical Systems Lab
In the mechanical engineering lab, mainly experiments done based on the heat transfer and dynamics of machinery.
The lab includes the study of systems related to various modes of heat transfer, air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
The lab also aims to educate students on various governors, gyroscopes, and vibration apparatus.
Lab in charge-Biju E C
MEL334 –Thermal Engineering lab 2(S6)

Major Equipment’s/Facilities
Motorized Gyroscope
Universal Governor Apparatus
Whirling of Shaft Apparatus
Universal Vibration Apparatus
Emissivity Measurement Apparatus
Thermal Conductivity of Metal Bar
Heat Transfer through Composite walls
Forced convection
Lagged pipe apparatus
Air conditioning Unit
Refrigeration Test Rig
Air Compressor
Air Blower Test Rig
5. Mechanical Engineering Workshop
Workshop facilities will enable the students of various streams of engineering to gain basic knowledge in fitting, smithy, foundry and carpentry, and welding.
Lab in charge / Workshop Superintendent– Mr. K G Mathai
Fitting – Krishnan P N
Welding– Biju E C
Sheet metal– K M Abubaker
Foundry– Krishnan P N
Carpentry– Ravinathan V K
Smithy– K M Abubakar
ESL 120- Civil and Mechanical workshop (S1)

Major Equipment’s / Facilities:

Major Equipment's/Facilities
CNC Trainer Lathe
Self-centring lathe with 3 jaw chuck (16 nos.)
Self-centring lathe with 4 jaw chuck (2 nos.)
Grinding Machine
Drilling Machine
Shaping Machine(9 Nos.)
Slotting Machine(9 Nos.)
Universal Milling Machine
Vertical Drilling Machine
Grinding Machine
7. Manufacturing Technology Lab 2
This lab gives basic knowledge about the usage of measuring devices, and their calibration and measurement standards are imparted to the students.
Lab in charge – Krishnan P N

Major Equipment’s / Facilities:
Profile Projector
Tool Maker’s Microscope
Thermocouple Calibration Apparatus
Strain Gauge
Surface Roughness Tester
Department Library
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has an exclusive Department Library which consists of Reference books, E-books, Journals, Book chapters, Project thesis and access to online digital resources. The volume references were available for different specializations like Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Design Engineering, Thermal and Heat Transfer Engineering, Nano Sciences and Technology, Artificial intelligence, MEMS, Renewable Energy sources, Optimization etc. The Department library also provides information regarding the co-curricular activities and membership details about the various professional associations like ASME. The students are motivated to utilize the resources in the Department Library to the maximum extent possible to enhance their subject knowledge leading to research innovations and product development.