
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE

The Department of Science & Humanities
The Department of Science & Humanities of MGMCET, under the competent leadership of Prof. Dr. Thresiamma George, encompasses the faculties of Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Life Skills and Business Economics. The department comprises a dedicated, expert staff who uphold professional integrity. The component subjects provide the learners with insight into various scientific arenas and complement their technological skills with positive character building, in line with moulding holistic personalities with the right attitude.
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry constitute the very foundation of all engineering studies. Thus the students get a golden opportunity to explore and experience the world and arrive at innovative solutions to scientific and engineering challenges around them with a humane touch. The department also trains them to communicate efficiently and actively participate in Group Discussions, Presentations and Interview sessions for them to be more employable in today’s competitive world.
To enhance intellectual growth, professional advancement as well as holistic personality development in our Engineers to prepare them to face the technological challenges of the future.
Committed to moulding and fine-tuning the budding engineers into humane professionals and enabling them to understand, explore and innovate to achieve the highest level of technological development.
The core objective of the department is to build a strong foundation in Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities so that these skills can be applied effectively in a technological environment. The specific objectives are:
To provide the most up-to-date scientific knowledge and inculcate the spirit of innovation in the student community.
To facilitate the application of knowledge and skills in the practical context.
To facilitate effective teaching-learning strategies in line with the modern trends in technological education.
To enhance communication skills so that the students can fulfil their future professional responsibilities efficiently
Laboratories & Facilities
The department has mainly three practical laboratories — an Engineering Physics Lab, an Engineering Chemistry Lab and a Language lab. All these labs are well-equipped and enhance the practical application of theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom.
The Physics Laboratory
Physics is primarily based on experimentation and so physicists need to understand how data is generated and analyzed. Our Physics lab exposes concepts related to Electronics and Optics, thereby providing practical knowledge in operating CRO, various microscopes etc. These experiments will help the students to gain practical knowledge in their respective fields.

The Chemistry Laboratory
The Chemistry lab gives the best opportunity for the students to acquire practical knowledge in different fields of Chemistry. These include spectroscopy, volumetric analysis, pH and conductivity measurements. Practical sessions are conducted in spectroscopy, electrochemistry, polymer synthesis, fuel and lubricants and so on.

The Language Laboratory
The ability to communicate well is a major requisite when seeking placement in national as well as multi-national companies. Our Language laboratory thus focuses on enriching the learner’s linguistic skills and the language software content is adapted to hone the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of the learners. Indeed the interactive lab sessions make language learning easier and more exciting.
Department Library
Department libraries an agents to provide maximum information about Science and humanities and promote the habit of reading. Our library promotes student success through the development of critical thinking. Our library provides textbooks related to mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics etc. It provides pinpointed and right information to the seeker at the right time.