
Pampakuda, Ernakulam (Dist.), Kerala

0485-2274455 , 9946485111
Code: MGE
Way to Woman Leadership-Seminar series
3rd to 9th March 2022
This program aims to provide awareness about women's social, legal, and personal development. It offers ways to embrace women’s inner strength and inspire them to become entrepreneurs. It also emphasizes the need for maintaining menstrual hygiene and a healthy diet in adolescent girls.
IETE Executive members and office staff of Kochi Centre, ISF students and staff coordinators of various colleges, Girl students and faculty members of MGM group of Institutions.

Date: 03/03/2022
Time: 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM
Venue: AC Seminar Hal
Mode: offline
Welcome speech: Prof Shajahan C M(ME Department, MGMCET)
Vote of Thanks: Kavya Valson, Student, S6 ME
This talk aims at creating cyber awareness for students. The speaker gave an introduction to different cyber crimes that occurred and made them aware of how to avoid such mistakes. He asked the students to be careful about the usage of mobile phones and social media and asked them to deal with any such problems wisely. He gave many real life examples of such problems and how they are dealt by police and cyber department. He conducted many activities like clapping hands, songs etc. to ensure the presence of mind of the students

Date: 04/03/2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Mode: Online (google Meet)
Welcome speech: Prof Suvija S (CSE Department, MGMCET)
Vote of Thanks: Abhirami Hariharan, Student, S8ECE
The speaker gave an insight into the laws of the nations. She discussed about the laws of equality and the laws against discrimination. She shared life experience of C B Muthamma, the first women to clear Indian Civil Service Exam and how she fought for justice and equality. She also discussed domestic violence and sexual harassment and how laws of the nation is protecting women from these type of abuses (Kerala Legal Service Authority)

Health and Hygiene for Women
Date: 05/03/2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
Mode: Online (google Meet)
Welcome speech: Prof Neethu Jo Vavachan (ECE Department, MGMCET)
Vote of Thanks: Jaisy Johnson, Student, S6ECE

The speaker discussed the different stages of women and how to care for women at different life stages. She made students aware of reproductive system and about the menstrual cycle. She discussed the importance of maintaining menstrual hygiene and how to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. She also discussed about different syndromes like PMS (Post Menstrual Syndrome) and PCOD(Poly Cystic Ovary Disorder) and how to deal with these syndromes with diet. She emphasized the need for drinking water and having homemade and natural food.

Women Entrepreneurship
Date: 08/03/2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
Mode: Online (google Meet)
Welcome speech: Prof Binsa Mathew, (ECE Department, MGMCET)
Vote of Thanks: Dr Manju Bhasker, Secretary, IETE Kochi Centre

This talk was about how to become an entrepreneur. The speaker shared her life experience. The talk was about how to grab all your opportunities and make the best out of it. She asked the audience to learn from failures and look for other opportunities. The speaker asked students to start a small venture first and get all the experience from it, at the college level. She stressed the importance of being a part of the Kerala start-up mission to see how others are working and get exposure from it.

Date: 09/03/2022
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
Mode: Online (google Meet)
Welcome speech: Prof Anuja Varghese , (EEE Department, MGMCET)
Vote of Thanks: Prof Smitha K M, Executive Member, IETE Kochi Centre

This talk emphasized the importance of having a balanced diet for adolescent girls. The speaker discussed different food groups and their sources. She also discussed the importance of managing stress by exercise and following a healthy diet. The speaker also asked the students to reduce the use of gadgets and to utilize time for exercise. She also stressed the importance of having good sleep and timely food for good health.

Program Coordinator,
Binsa Mathew
Staff Coordinator
Women Cell MGMCET